Collection: Down to Earth

When working with the collection "Down to Earth" I've been inspired by the calmness in the forest. As a little girl I used to build tree houses in the forest, and in my head I can still hear the whispering sound from the sea breeze, sweeping in between the pine trees, close to my home.

Vardagsrum Down to Earth_580px bred

Forest dirt-tyg_580px bred

avbarkade trädstammar_580px bred

Frukostvy m skidor Down to Earth_580px bred

Frukost m skärbräda Forest rust_580px bred

kökshörn Down to Earth_580px bred

Kökshörn m Down to Earth_580px bred

Stones rust-tyg_580px bred

stenar_580px bred

Stones and Br-tyg_rust_580px bred
